Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Have you been thinking of ERP Consulting? Discover it all here!

Why ERP Consulting?

As with any other kind of project, the implementation of a computer system requires specialists who can meet the needs of the company that they have described ensuring that they meet the proposed objectives. The implementation of one of these management systems or ERP Consulting constitutes an investment of great significance for the company, so great care must be taken when selecting a supplier since choosing the wrong one could have negative repercussions and the results could, ultimately, be drastic.

How will ERP Consulting support me?

Every ERP consultant combines different functions in a single complete system, closely monitoring the storage and transmission of data related to activity and workflow, making communication between departments much easier, with the aim of achieving a considerable increase and constant productivity.

ERP Consulting will support you:

  • Revealing the basic needs of your company, both primary and secondary.

  • Evaluating the potential solutions that best fit the problems that have been detected for the specialists.

  • Support the start-up of the company as well as the entire process.

  • Guaranteeing the highest quality of the final product. etc.

TOP Best ERP Vendor Software:

  • SAP:

The best thing about SAP is that it has cloud solutions that will help us to consolidate the system landscape. It is ideal for medium and small companies according to the official reports.

SAP is perfect to free up IT resources.

  • Oracle ERP Cloud:

Oracle is a TOP name in the ERP business world, known as one of the best platforms and the providers of an integrated suite of enterprise performance management powered by AI.

Leading the list of the software in ERP Vendor, Oracle is one of the most demanded software nowadays.

  • Microsoft:

If you are OK with the Microsoft technology and you are already implementing it, then, choosing Microsoft for ERP could be a smart and good idea.

Thanks to Microsoft’s robust products for small and mid-sized companies they can improve their technology and grow up in this world.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How to Know if a Cloud Application Migration is What You Need?

The process of migration to the cloud is somewhat more complicated than picking up your servers and taking them to a cloud service provider, also, the Cloud Application Migration is something that carries a plan. If your company really requires it, you will know it once you finish this blog.

A full Cloud Migration Service includes the Cloud Application Migration to be done satisfactorily and experts are needed during all the process.

As we said before, during the Cloud Migration Service, the Cloud Application Migration is only the first step; once culminated, you can promote your IT resources, improve your availability and security levels, optimize these applications and start answering the changes. In addition, you will begin to rethink the performance of your applications and in the close future, you will improve your company and services to the next level.

Why consider having your applications in the cloud?

As always, there are a few considerations to have in mind before starting the migration. Evaluate them and choose what to do!

  1. Let´s start with the Economic Considerations:

You need to analyze all the required investment, from the computing needs to the application portfolio. 

If you are going to assess the benefits in the same way, judge the costs and use associated with your current data center, considering that in the local installation you not only account for the costs of the servers and the rest of the infrastructure, but you also have energy expenses, refrigeration, etc. 

  1. What about the Scalability?

Taking into account that scalability has a price, whenever you are willing to pay for it you can enjoy it practically without limitations. When it comes to having cloud applications, hardware scalability is fundamental, especially considering that these cloud services are ideal to accommodate intensive workloads.

  1. You should design a plan:

When we finally decide to start the Cloud Application Migration, we have to establish synchronization between these and the local applications. To achieve this efficiently, we have to know how the data synchronized, how long it is necessary to culminate the process, and what suppliers and solutions would be ideal for our company.