Monday, September 6, 2021

Know the 5 Key Pointers in Network Security Service

The world has become one big platform on the World Wide Web. Network security is, therefore, an important matter of concern in a world where computer security breaches have become a common phenomenon. Some cyber breaches are considered minor, while some breaches culminate into bigger loss of data leading to catastrophic results. Hackers are always on the lookout for network vulnerabilities to exploit. With Network Security Service in place, it is possible to provide the much-needed security for the protection of data. 

Type of Security Service: 5 Pointers 

  • Message Integrity - Integrity of a message means that the data must reach its targeted destination without any manipulation accidentally or maliciously on its way. The same logic works for data saved on a cloud platform that is assured by Secure Cloud services to prevent any breach of data. 
  • Message Confidentiality - Talking of confidentiality, the transmitted message intended for any receiver/ should be known and read-only by the sender and the receiver, and no one else. When traveling through the network, no one else can open or read the message. Therefore, it is inevitable to encrypt the message so that its contents cannot be read by a third party for whom it was not intended. 
  • Authentication of the Entity - In this case, the user or entity is verified before it can be accessed by the system resources. 
  • Message Non-Reproduction - Network services ensure integrity and authentication mechanisms for the non-repudiation of messages exchanged between the sender and the receiver. The sender will not be able to deny that the message was sent, while the receiver will not be able to deny the proof of receiving the message. 
  • Authentication of the Message - In this, the receiver has to be sure that the message has been sent by the sender as it is claimed to be. Besides, the two parties between whom the message is exchanged share a secret code, and when there is a need, the secret code has to be produced for authentication. 

Thus, with the above pointers, it is ensured that your data exchange stays safe and authenticated.